Choose the well-being path you feel called to…

Personalized Health and Well-Being Coaching

Reiki Energy Healing

Mini Healing Sessions

At wisdom from within reiki healing and health coaching, I support you on your health and well-being journey through:

  • creating an optimal energetic flow and release from the body (channeling chakra healing)

  • receiving intuitive guidance and support

  • connecting with your source (god/universe/spirit) and spiritual team

  • igniting your body’s innate ability to self-heal

  • creating small, meaningful habits that nourish your mind, body and soul and bring your one step closer to a healed and healthy state of well-being!

Five Pillars of Well-Being


The practice of slowing down and tuning in to your inner wisdom and guidance. Examples include: meditation, prayer, gratitude, daily to-do lists, etc.


Developing and sustaining meaningful connections with others and having a sense of community.


Integrate movement that feels good for your body and that brings you joy! This could be everyday movement or more formal exercise.


Eating foods that energize, satiate, and bring you pleasure. This is attained by engaging in mindful and intuitive eating.


Feeling rested upon waking by maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, unplugging from technology, and nurturing your body when you feel sick.